"It's just _____X_____. They will make more. I promise."Where 'X' is fabric, yarn, silk tatting thread, or any other consumable that one might be tempted to hoard. (OK, maybe only the Obsessive Compulsive hopeless thread/fabric/yarn junkies among us might be tempted to hoard. But the point is the same. Do not be afraid to cut the fabric, knit the yarn, or tat the silk. There will be more. Rowena promises.)
So, that is hat 57.
Hat 58 has been languishing for a while until I could darn in the ends. Gray LEADER yarn, seed stitch cuff. Simple and straightforward.
Hat 59 I finished last night. It's mint green LEADER yarn. The design was supposed to be trees, but surely looks more like arrows pointing heaven-ward. So, I'll call it the "Keep Looking Up" cap in honor of a dear friend from eons ago... Doug C of Penfield, NY, who is fond of saying "Keep Looking Up" when hard times come along. It's good advice. What's here is transitory. Keep looking up to what's eternal and truly important. So, even if they were meant to be trees pointing heavenward, they're more like arrows pointing heavenward, to remind all of us to Keep Looking Up.
I may make one more hat soon just so I have a round number like 60 instead of a prime number (59). [Although prime numbers are way cool, so maybe I should pause at 59 for a while.]
I've been working on a prayer lapghan for a wounded veteran, at the request of the prayer shawl ministry at Immanuel Lutheran Church. I'm nearly done with that. I've finished the green prayer shawl for the music ministers' friend. I have another, very special, prayer shawl in progress and I hope to finish it this century.
Flooding update:
E1 is fine and well and has weathered the storm well: home, pets, and all.
E2 and family are safe and fine although the house took a beating. There is a river in the basement. Literally. The flooring will have to come up and the paneling will have to come down. And some stuff-stuff is ruined (yarn, fabric, books). But the people are all well (other than strep throat, bronchitis, and other things that are putting a big crimp in Holy Week plans). Stuff-stuff, carpeting, and paneling can be replaced. Regarding yarn, fabric and books: They will make more. Rowena A. promises. So, toss out the ruined stuff-stuff and be thankful we have a home not submerged in nine feet of water; we have electricity; the wage-earner's business is still standing and profitable and keeping a roof over our heads, food in our bellies, clothes on our backs, and fuel in our cars, and internet turned on. While I'd prefer NOT to have a river in my basement, all is truly well.
Oh, and the back yard is a swamp with a stream running through. There's a stream running down our street, too. Water is still flowing so vigorously that the cover of some pipe is popping up and down, being bounced by water pushing its way to the surface. Amazing.
Daughter #1 and I did some sight-seeing yesterday after we went to the doctor. A local grocery store is submerged. The beloved Del's Lemonade shop is up to its counter in water. Dunkin' Donuts stands in a lake, and the high-rise apartment building for the elderly stands vacant in the water. We also peeked at the bike path. There were SWANS SWIMMING ON THE BIKE PATH. Now that is something that has to make even the most embittered person laugh --- to see swans swimming on what humans dare to call "the bike path". I guess I won't be biking there any time soon, nor even hiking there without first buying hip waders! We stopped to see the waterfall near Town Hall. Normally the waterfall is about 20 feet tall. Yesterday it was about two feet tall.
Our area fared far better than other areas. I wonder if the Warwick Mall (A whole MALL!) will ever re-open, or if it's destroyed and will have to be razed.
I went to look for photos of the mall, and found a shocking video. I didn't know someone had been trapped inside the flooded Mall for days! He's gottabe HUNGRY. Humans can only live on Cinnabon and soda pop for so long!
I'm glad it's not my car in this picture!
My friend, DA, could use prayers. She's in Hope Valley --- completely cut off because of the flooding --- and injured from an accident.
- E2
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